Final project: UncoverDAO

Jakub Liška
2 min readJan 24, 2022

What is UncoverDAO?

A decentralized autonomous organisation focusing on questions and discussions based on different crypto topics with the aim to provide educational information that users can benefit from and earn tokens.

The name aims to represent the idea of discovering and learning new things through this DAO and the community within, hence the word “uncover”.

How will it work?

Users will have to connect a wallet in order to receive DAO tokens.

With DAO tokens, users gain voting power by asking and answering questions. Users will use the voting power to create and post such questions, have a greater impact on the functioning decisions of the DAO and future prospects.

Ways of earning DAO tokens

  • Reward system for contributing, with different tiers of voting power.

For example, owning less than 100 tokens gives 1 vote, at 200 tokens you get 1.2 votes, 500 tokens=1.5, 1000 tokens = 2 votes….

  • Supplying btc/eth in exchange of DAO tokens.
  • People can send tokens to other people as thanks for their effort of contributing in a topic.
  • Tipping/Airdropping tokens if the contribution creates high value and helps scale the DAO.

Possible connections to the Bitcoin & Blockchain seminar class

UncoverDAO could potentially become the new platform for homeworks.

Students could earn APs (Activity Point tokens) by eg. receiving an assignment to contribute to a topic of choice in the DAO. Based on how many DAO tokens the student gets rewarded, he would receive APs (some kind of ratio could be implemented). Alternatively, some more direct means of exchange.

Students could also have their own section where they will have their own discussion blog. They can be asked to contribute eg. at least twice a month by:

  • Posting questions about previous seminars
  • Answering the questions and providing help
  • What they found interesting
  • More detailed research on what they liked
  • Any other non seminar-related information

Based on the quality of the contribution they can earn extra APs. If the content is of high value, it can be moved onto the main part of the DAO and be rewarded with DAO tokens.

